Rev. Dr. Peter Traben Haas

Rev. Dr. Peter Traben Haas
Interim Pastor

Rev. Gin Courtney
Associate Pastor


Paul Hughes
Director of Music


Mark Marty


Carolyn DeHate
Office Administrator


Emilio Maldonado


Olga Flores
Custodian/Sunday Porter


Gloria Gonzales
Director, Child Development Center 


At Madison Square, twelve active Elders serve on the Session, forming the church’s leadership that acts as a corporate board of directors. Session members are selected by a nominating committee and elected by the congregation. Led by the pastor as the moderator, Session members also lead or are active in specific committees of the church.

They are:

Buildings and Grounds:
Randy Rice

Clerk of Session:
Beth Weiss

Child Development Center:
Rogelio Villalobos

Children and Youth:
Gina Acree

Ed Palmer

Mission Outreach and Justice:
Jo Pendleton

Personnel and Administration:
Linda Nance

Small Group and Community:
Joseph Holland

Stewardship and Finance:
Keith White and Margaret Erickson

Margaret Erickson

Lisa Horst


Madison Square also ministers through the service of its deacons. Deacons extend the caring ministry for the congregational family through compassion and service.

Our deacons are:
Rebecca Baker, Mike Ballentine, Natasha Beck-King, Mike Cornett, Eileen Hertel, Peter Horst, Megan Kromer, Sherry Palmer, Esther Singh, and Norma Villarreal.