Give Back

Our faith is not only in our heads – but we have a faith that is active through service and giving. 

Our faith calls us outside the walls of our sanctuary to work for justice and reconciliation and to make a difference in the world.

The members and friends of Madison Square are involved in a variety of missions throughout our community and the world. These include service at Haven for Hope, Christian Assistance Ministry, Habitat for Humanity, Thrive Shelter for GLBT homeless youth, working with recent immigrants and refugees, and many more. If you want to put your faith into action, there is something available for you at Madison Square.

Besides the work above, Madison Square Presbyterian Church is home to the Child Development Center. The church also provides much support through finances and volunteers to the Center.

At least 10 percent of the church budget goes to other institutions doing good work in the world. These institutions are often supported by volunteer hours by church members and friends. Some of our mission funds go to Habitat for Humanity, Christian Assistance Ministry, Ready Willing and Enable, and More Light Presbyterians.

One of our greatest assets is our building. The church donates or rents out space to many groups for a small charge. These groups include Alcoholics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous.


There are several ways to give financially to support the ministries of Madison Square Presbyterian Church.

Online Giving

Select this option to set up a recurring payment or a one-time payment electronically through our secure online process.

Check Via Mail

Make checks payable to Madison Square Presbyterian Church and send them to the church office.

319 Camden Street, San Antonio, Texas 78215