Online Worship

Online Worship • Service Time

Streaming of the Sunday worship service begins at 10:45 a.m. and the service itself begins at 10:50 a.m.

The bulletin is distributed by email each week. If you would like to receive a copy, please contact the church office and ask to be placed on the email list.

You have several options to attend services from anywhere you have an internet connection using your preferred device or app.

Every Sunday

Join us from anywhere


From 10:45 AM

Worship Service

Starts 10:50 AM

Watch On This Page

Visit this page on Sunday mornings for the livestream. Watching here, at the BoxCast page or via one of the BoxCast apps will provide the best experience. Facebook and YouTube use artificial intelligence to identify copyrighted music and will occasionally mute the audio of our stream if they believe we are using music to which we are not entitled. Madison Square strives to stream only music that we have licensed or is in the public domain.


Today's Service

Welcome to church. We're so excited to be with you today.

While you are watching, please consider making an online donation.

Other Channels


Facebook users can access the worship on the Madison Square Facebook page. A recording is available for replay from our page if you are not able to join us during the regular worship time.


Madison Square Presbyterian Church also has a YouTube channel where you can watch our livestream or previously recorded services.


BoxCast is the streaming provider for Madison Square. You may watch our services live or recorded on their website. For live services, this is the same as watching on this page.

Your TV

Our services are available on AppleTV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV via the BoxCast app. Load the BoxCast app on your device, then search for “Madison Square Presbyterian Church.” These apps allow you to “favorite” us so you can find us immediately on Sunday mornings.