
In worship, the people of God recognize God as present in the world and in their lives. 

As we respond to God’s claim and redemptive action in Jesus, we are transformed and renewed, sent out in love and service to the world.

Worship at Madison Square

  • Takes scripture seriously but not literally
  • Seeks to partner sound biblical scholarship, contemporary knowledge and research, and lived experience in the world to craft worship that is relevant and compelling
  • Understands the good news as a healing and redemptive force in the world
  • Embraces many forms of music and liturgical expression to engage worshipers spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually
  • Is inclusive in its language and expression

Worship Times

We have one worship service that begins at 10:50 a.m. Sundays. The service is structured with congregational hymns, prayers, and a sermon. There is an adult choir accompanied by either our outstanding Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, a piano, or an electronic keyboard. Special instrumentation is often used as well.

Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month.

We hold special worship services throughout the year, including services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas Eve.

Worship Service

10:50 AM


First Sunday
of every month

Special Worship Services

Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas Eve


Please visit our Worship channel on BoxCast.com to view the latest services and sermons from Madison Square Presbyterian Church. You can also listen to the audio of our worship services via the podcast feed below.


“Pie Jesu,” “He Never Failed Me Yet,” “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” and maybe a Beatles song for good measure. Is it really possible that you would hear all of that on a Sunday? Yes, and no. While no worship service can include that much diversity, it is absolutely that on any given Sunday you will hear traditional hymns, classical music, Taizé chants, gospel choruses, or a re-purposed secular song given new meaning.

Choir Rehearsals

7:15 PM

Children in Worship

At Madison Square, we encourage children to take part in worship in the sanctuary with their family members for as much of the service as the family would like. At Madison Square, we believe children should be seen and heard and participate fully in worship.

Children take part by acting as acolytes, bringing the light of Christ into and out of the sanctuary, ringing the bell in the bell tower, or acting as liturgists reading prayers and responsive readings. There is always nursery care available for our youngest kids. Also, children’s activity bags are available in the back of the Sanctuary.

“Let the little children come to me and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
— Matthew 19:14